The idea:
To go and meet actors from each country so as to discover the theatrical diversity of the world and the way in which they live (from) their art.
The objectives:
Theatre, an expression of the identity of peoples, is a vector of tolerance and peace
Through theatre, man expresses what is most intimate to him (what he is, what he dreams of...); opening your mind to the different world theatrical forms is to learn to understand others but also to improve the definition of your own specific character and the nature of your relations with the world.
The diversity of the theatre is not well known
There is no permanent location (real or virtual) in France specifically dedicated to the Theatres of the World and allowing the public to become aware of the existing diversity.
This lack also exists at the literary level: There are very few documentary works in comparison with the multitude of works listing the diversity and architectural marvels of the world.
The theatre is vulnerable because it is ephemeral
In contrast to a monument, which survives its creator, a theatrical work is transmitted orally, inscribed in time and intimately linked to whoever created it.
Theatrical diversity is threatened
In fact many forms of theatre are at risk of disappearing, threatened by cultural uniformity (eased by the rapid development of new information and communication technologies), armed conflicts and the perverse repercussions of mass tourism.
This project particularly aims to reassure the local populations that I meet of the value of their culture, and their identity. These populations in fact often consider, wrongly, that Western culture is superior.
Before leaving:
Contact and announce my arrival to the maximum number of theatre teams and actors in the countries to be visited.
Production of a questionnaire with the participation of the pupils of the Cours Florent.
On the ground: Meet the actors to gather their testimony
Interview them.
Watch show performances and rehearsals.
Film or photograph them.
Write an Internet report after each meeting
On return: Share our adventure:
Develop the Internet site by putting on line video archives and statements that has not yet been published.
Arrange conferences with multimedia support (schools, town halls, Cours Florent...).
Offer articles and interviews to specialised media.
Vivez intensement le Voyage à travers ces MiniSites qui retracent au quotidien notre progression : | • Afrique du Sud • Mozambique • Australie • Indonésie |
• Inde • Japon • Mexique • Pérou |
• Argentine • Brésil |