A children’s show

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The idea :
Create and present a touring young peoples show, for the poor children of each country, in places where the theatre, and the smiles that it can bring are often absent (hospitals, orphanages, hostels, streets...)

The objectives:
Bring a little happiness to suffering children.
Share theatrical culture and French culture with them.
Enrich my show with the addition of the different cultures I have met.
Open French children to the world by presenting, on my return, a show tinged with all these encounters, and all these different cultures.


The desire to be useful and to give a little happiness to disadvantaged children.
I do not want to be a simple tourist who comes, opens his eyes and receives. I also want to feel useful and to create a real exchange.
I am very aware of the inequalities in wealth, conditions of life and rights between citizens of one world. Perhaps because I was baptised in a favela in Rio?

According to UNICEF, nearly a billion children live in poverty in the world.

Since 1989, children’s’ access to the theatre has been a right. The International Convention on children’s rights effectively recognises “the child’s right to full participation in cultural and artistic life”.


In collaboration with the Théâtre de l’Aktéon, which specialises in young peoples shows, the design of a show that can be adapted and transported across the world.
This will be a travelling show, with an actor, an imaginary language with words borrowed from each country and some French references (so as to share our culture)...
The scenery will be simple and the main accessories will be sculptured balloons (animals, flowers, swords, houses...).

It will be a very visual spectacle, combining theatre, mime, clowning, magic...

This show will be offered, on return, to French primary schools and theatres.

Enriched by this world tour, marked by different cultures, this show will an opportunity to make other cultural references known to French children...

The Costume is produced by Inès Bessaad.

The costume must respond to many technical constraints (light material, quick drying, strong, easily washed...) and must transport the children in a world of colour and magic.
Inès, a young costumer, has taken up the challenge and has buckled down to this task as a volunteer! Thank you!
The costume will be fairly simple and can be accessorised by the balloons.
An amusing little invention: two sashes on the sides of the dress will allow its length to be adjusted depending on the country, the climate and the costumes.

dessin_costume_1 dessin_costume_2                           

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