Become our Partner
- Financial support (sponsorship, patronage)
- Material help (equipment, multimedia)
- Logistic help (provision of premises, Internet, telephone, equipment...)
- Media links (Internal and/or external publication of articles, all types of channel)
- Help and advice in preparing the project (Internet site, communication tools, search for sponsors, preparation of the journey,)
You interested in the project and wish to support it. Or you simply want to encourage an original initiative. If one of these motivations is enough for you, do not hesitate to try the adventure with me.
Product tests on the ground
Internal communication
Through your association with this project, you give yourself the possibility of internal use of an original form of communicating and combining your employees around and attractive project. This can mean:
- Allowing your employees to share (or to participate in) the adventure of this project and to follow its progress day by day via our Internet site or the sending of articles.
- Organising a presentation and/or exhibition of project photos on your premises for your employees (before departure and/or on our return).
- Supplying all types of media (photos, text, videos) that can be useful for your communication policy.
Media fallout
Benefit from the media coverage of the project and the Internet site audience to increase your reputation with a wide public:
- On the Internet site: your logo brought out on the home page in a dedicated frame (with link to your site) and descriptive text (with logo and hypertext link) in the “links” and/or “partners” heading.
- Organisation and participation in events (shows, exhibitions and conferences, support evening...) during which I put forward my partners.
- On each publication (article, book...) and oral intervention (radio, presentation...), I will not omit to thank the partners who have shown their confidence in me.
However I remain open to define all the methods and organisation of our partnership.